
A simple tool to split rent and utility costs

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Whether you're a college student moving into your first apartment or a seasoned renter who knows the ropes, you'll need to pay rent. And with roommates that can get a bit tricky. How do you make sure everyone's paying their fair share? If you never use the TV you shouldn't have to pay for cable, right?

RentMate is an objective tool for splitting rent and utility costs based on key factors, such as room size and utility usage. You pay for what you use, whether it's bedroom space or electricity. Just plug in the numbers and let RentMate determine how much each person owes per month — no more arguing, haggling, bartering, or quibbling.



The code behind RentMate is hosted on GitHub if you'd like to take a look.

The webpages were built using Notepad++, the Bootstrap library (plus Glyphicons!) and a lot of patience. The website actually functions thanks to JavaScript and jQuery.

Special thanks to Codecademy for teaching me how to build my first website.

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